Macedonia Considers Legalising Medical Marijuana
Macedonia Considers Legalising Medical Marijuana
Macedonian’s health ministry says it is seriously listening to expert opinion about the possible legalisation of marijuana for medical purposes after a poll indicated widespread public support.
The health ministry in Skopje told BIRN that it is carrying out wide-ranging consultations about making marijuana treatments available to people suffering from serious illnesses
“We are consulting experts, specialist doctors from various fields, pharmacologists, representatives of civil society… We believe that they will help us in finding the most optimal solution,” the ministry told BIRN.
The ministry organised the first public debate on the subject on Sunday, inviting medics, pharmacologists and civil activists, drug experts and cancer patients to discuss the pros and cons of legalisation.
A recent opinion poll suggested that 70 per cent of Macedonians support allowing the use of marijuana products for the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases.
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